Engineering Mechanics by R. C. Hibbleler pdf

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Engineering Mechanics by R. C. Hibbleler


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The main purpose of this book is to provide the student with a clear and thorough
presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics. To achieve this
objective, this work has been shaped by the comments and suggestions of hundreds
of reviewers in the teaching profession, as well as many of the author’s students.
New to this Edition
Preliminary Problems. This new feature can be found throughout the text, and
is given just before the Fundamental Problems. The intent here is to test the student’s
conceptual understanding of the theory. Normally the solutions require little or no
calculation, and as such, these problems provide a basic understanding of the concepts
before they are applied numerically. All the solutions are given in the back of the text.
Expanded Important Points Sections. Summaries have been added which
reinforce the reading material and highlights the important definitions and concepts
of the sections.
Re-writing of Text Material. Further clarification of concepts has been
included in this edition, and important definitions are now in boldface throughout
the text to highlight their importance.
End-of-Chapter Review Problems. All the review problems now have
solutions given in the back, so that students can check their work when studying
for exams, and reviewing their skills when the chapter is finished.
New Photos. The relevance of knowing the subject matter is reflected by the
real-world applications depicted in the over 60 new or updated photos placed
throughout the book. These photos generally are used to explain how the relevant
principles apply to real-world situations and how materials behave under load.
New Problems. There are approximately 30% new problems that have been
added to this edition, which involve applications to many different fields of
P reface
Hallmark Features
Besides the new features mentioned above, other outstanding features that define
the contents of the text include the following.
Organization and Approach. Each chapter is organized into well-defined
sections that contain an explanation of specific topics, illustrative example problems,
and a set of homework problems. The topics within each section are placed into
subgroups defined by boldface titles. The purpose of this is to present a structured
method for introducing each new definition or concept and to make the book
convenient for later reference and review.
Chapter Contents. Each chapter begins with an illustration demonstrating a
broad-range application of the material within the chapter. A bulleted list of the
chapter contents is provided to give a general overview of the material that will be
Emphasis on Free-Body Diagrams. Drawing a free-body diagram is
particularly important when solving problems, and for this reason this step is strongly
emphasized throughout the book. In particular, special sections and examples are
devoted to show how to draw free-body diagrams. Specific homework problems have
also been added to develop this practice.
Procedures for Analysis. A general procedure for analyzing any mechanical
problem is presented at the end of the first chapter. Then this procedure is customized
to relate to specific types of problems that are covered throughout the book. This
unique feature provides the student with a logical and orderly method to follow when
applying the theory. The example problems are solved using this outlined method in
order to clarify its numerical application. Realize, however, that once the relevant
principles have been mastered and enough confidence and judgment have been
obtained, the student can then develop his or her own procedures for solving problems.
Important Points. This feature provides a review or summary of the most
important concepts in a section and highlights the most significant points that should
be realized when applying the theory to solve problems.
Fundamental Problems. These problem sets are selectively located just after
most of the example problems. They provide students with simple applications of the
concepts, and therefore, the chance to develop their problem-solving skills before
attempting to solve any of the standard problems that follow. In addition, they can
be used for preparing for exams, and they can be used at a later time when preparing
for the Fundamentals in Engineering Exam.
Conceptual Understanding. Through the use of photographs placed
throughout the book, theory is applied in a simplified way in order to illustrate some
of its more important conceptual features and instill the physical meaning of manyP reface
of the terms used in the equations. These simplified applications increase interest in
the subject matter and better prepare the student to understand the examples and
solve problems.
Homework Problems. Apart from the Fundamental and Conceptual type
problems mentioned previously, other types of problems contained in the book
include the following:
• Free-Body Diagram Problems. Some sections of the book contain
introductory problems that only require drawing the free-body diagram for the
specific problems within a problem set. These assignments will impress upon the
student the importance of mastering this skill as a requirement for a complete
solution of any equilibrium problem.
• General Analysis and Design Problems. The majority of problems in the
book depict realistic situations encountered in engineering practice. Some of
these problems come from actual products used in industry. It is hoped that this
realism will both stimulate the student’s interest in engineering mechanics and
provide a means for developing the skill to reduce any such problem from its
physical description to a model or symbolic representation to which the principles
of mechanics may be applied.
Throughout the book, there is an approximate balance of problems using either
SI or FPS units. Furthermore, in any set, an attempt has been made to arrange the
problems in order of increasing difficulty except for the end of chapter review
problems, which are presented in random order.
• Computer Problems. An effort has been made to include some problems that
may be solved using a numerical procedure executed on either a desktop computer
or a programmable pocket calculator. The intent here is to broaden the student’s
capacity for using other forms of mathematical analysis without sacrificing the
time needed to focus on the application of the principles of mechanics. Problems
of this type, which either can or must be solved using numerical procedures, are
identified by a “square” symbol (■) preceding the problem number.
The many homework problems in this edition, have been placed into two different
categories. Problems that are simply indicated by a problem number have an
answer and in some cases an additional numerical result given in the back of the
book. An asterisk (*) before every fourth problem number indicates a problem
without an answer.
Accuracy. As with the previous editions, apart from the author, the accuracy of
the text and problem solutions has been thoroughly checked by four other parties:
Scott Hendricks, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Karim Nohra,
University of South Florida; Kurt Norlin, Bittner Development Group; and finally
Kai Beng, a practicing engineer, who in addition to accuracy review provided
suggestions for problem development.

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