Building Materials by S. K. Duggal (New Age International.) pdf




5. K. Duggal
B.E., M.E., Ph.D.
Professor and Head
Civil Engineering Department
Motilal Nehru Institute of Technology
Allahabad (U.P.)


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Copyright © 2008, 2003, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers
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ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-2975-6

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Preface to the Third Edition

The book is considerably modified version of the 2000 edition. In third edition of the book
extensive revisions have been made. New materials have been introduced due to the advances
in the technology and progress in industry. The information presented includes characteristics
of the materials in regards to their physical and mechanical properties with emphasis on their
strength and durability qualities. The material presented can be supplemented by the information
from I.S. Codes and various product manufacturers.
This edition embodies material changes in the chapters dealing with Cement, Concrete,
Lime and many others. Testing procedures of the materials have been updated for most of the
materials as some of the codes have been revised. Especially, in chapter 3 on Rocks and Stones
the section on testing of Stones has been completely rewritten.
Chapter 8 on Lime has been completely rewritten to make it more reader friendly. Logical
changes in chapter 5 on Cement, chapter 10 on Concrete and chapter 20 on Special Cements
and Cement Concretes have been made. Admixtures for concrete have been placed in chapter
10 and section on Pointing has been removed from chapter 12 on Building Mortars. Many
newer and upcoming more important concretes such as Self compacting Concrete, Bacterial
Concrete have been introduced in chapter 20 on special Cements and Cement Concrete.
Numerous revision of data and substitutions in description have been made not only in these
chapters but in other chapters also. Smart materials and composite materials have been
introduced in chapter 21 on Miscellaneous Materials.
The author will be grateful to the readers for their comments and suggestions for further
improvement of the book.

S.K. Duggal

Preface to the Second Edition

The second edition of this book deals with properties of building materials and techniques for
their manufacturing. Applications of building materials have been presented with emphasis
on engineering and economic approaches for determining the optimum kind of materials, best
suited to specific conditions of service in buildings. This edition provides a thorough and
practical groundwork for students of civil, architecture and construction technology. The
expanded and updated text can also serve as a refresher and reference for practicing civil
engineers, architects, contractors, and other workers who must be aware of new building
materials and techniques.
The building materials industry is in continual development, the range of products is being
expanded, and novel techniques for optimizing production processes are being introduced.
The main purpose of the book is to present a basic course of study with a detailed coverage of
basic theory and practice of the manufacture of building materials. The present edition embodies
material change in the chapters dealing with lime, cement, concrete, and many other minor
Since concrete (Chapter 10) is the most widely and extensively used building material, its
production, properties, and testing have been thoroughly revised and discussed in more
details and depth. Chapter 11 on mix design has been introduced to make the used understand
better the manufacture and properties of concrete. Standards laid by Bureau of Indian Standards
have been followed.
Extensive addition in Chapter 20, miscellaneous materials, include elaboration of geotextiles,
new types of cements and concretes—their properties and production processes.
All this was possible due to the suggestions, and comments received form many individuals
and students. I would like to thank all of them. Acknowledgement is also made to New Age



Publishers for publishing the second edition.

S.K. Duggal

Preface to the First Edition

The primary purpose of writing this book is to give engineering students up-to-date information
on building materials. The book has been prepared after referring to a number of text books,
references and standards. S.I. units have been used throughout the text as far as possible.
The author has tried to incorporate essential information concerning manufacture/fabrication
of the various building materials; the data covering the more important mechanical and
physical properties, influences of various factors on these properties; the causes of defects,
their prevention and remedies; testing of materials. An attempt has also been made to present
to the reader some of the more general uses and applications of the different materials.
The author gratefully acknowledges the considerable encouragement, splendid help and
valuable suggestions received form his colleagues. Appreciation and thanks are also due to
those students who went through the preliminary and final scripts.
Finally thanks are due to my wife Suman and children Swati and Shashank for their tolerance
during this trying time. Efforts have been made to keep errors to a minimum. However, they
are inevitable. Suggestions are welcomed from all concerned pointing out any oversights.
S.K. Duggal


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