Django - The Easy Way (2nd Edition) pdf

 Django - The Easy Way (2nd Edition)
A step-by-step guide on building Django websites
Samuli Natri
© 2017 - 2018 Samuli Natri


“Django - The Easy Way (2nd Edition)” book is a practical, step-by-step guide

on how to build Django websites.

Django is a Python based open source web development framework that has

been around since 2005. It enables you to create complex database-driven

websites while keeping things decoupled and dry. The Python Package Index

(PyPI) hosts numerous free packages that can be used to extend projects without

re-inventing the wheel. Django is used by some well-known sites like Instagram,

Bitbucket and Disqus.


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About this book

This book is about learning the Django web framework with simple, practical

examples. It guides you through all the main concepts one at the time. We will

work on many small projects rather than working on a single big application

through the book. This helps digesting the information as the projects have less

distracting code from previous chapters. By the end of the book you should have

a solid understanding of how to build and deploy apps with Django.

The complete book source code is available in here:


Who is this book for?

This book is suitable for beginner to intermediate level web developers. You

don’t have to have any experience with Django or building web applications in

general. We start with the very basics and increase complexity as we go along.

What this book is NOT about?

We use Bootstrap 4 to have a decent looking testing playground but otherwise

frontend concepts are covered minimally. This is not a book about Python,

HTML, CSS or JavaScript. Basic knowledge about those technologies would be

helpful but is not required for the book. The focus is on the Django web

framework core concepts and deployment practices.

How this book is organized

This book is organized in 32 chapters that focus on key concepts of the

framework. I recommend reading the book in sequence, starting from the very

beginning and working your way to the end from there.

Chapters 1-7

Chapters 1-7 cover how to install Python and use virtual environments.

Chapters 8-10In chapters 8-10 we create a simple Django project and examine the project

structure. “Hello world” project introduces the reader to views, paths and


Chapters 11-13

Chapters 11-13 cover how the template inheritance works and how to integrate

Bootstrap 4 frontend framework with Django. We also apply custom styles with

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

Chapters 14-16

Chapters 14-16 cover how to use models and interact with a database. We learn

about filters and how to build a base project that can be used as a starting point

for other projects. We create a detail page and learn how to work with slugs and

reverse URLS.Chapters 17-20

In chapters 17-20 we learn how to categorise items with a ForeignKey field and

tag items with a ManyToManyField. We do lookups through relationships, re-

use templates and build a minimalistic search feature.

Chapters 21-24

Chapters 21-24 show how to create forms with ModelForm. We customize the

forms by changing field order and render validation errors manually. ThePython interactive interpreter is used to manipulate objects and interact with


Chapters 25-26

Chapters 25-26 cover how to create a complete authentication system with the

Allauth package and how to theme the default forms with Bootstrap 4. User

authorization is managed with groups and decorators.

Chapters 27-28Chapters 27-28

In chapters 27-28 we upload images and serve them from a local media folder.

Bootstrap 4 is used to create a grid view to display the images. The uploaded

images are compressed to thumbnails using the ImageKit package.

Chapters 29-32

Chapters 29-32 show how to deploy to Heroku platform and serve static assets

and user-uploaded files from an Amazon AWS bucket. We learn how to

establish continuous deployment workflows with Heroku pipelines and send

emails with SendGrid.

About the author

Samuli Natri has been a software developer since the 90’s. He attended HelsinkiSamuli Natri has been a software developer since the 90’s. He attended Helsinki

University Of Technology (Computer Science) and Helsinki University (Social


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