Python Knowledge {everything about python you must know}


Python is an important programming language to know — it's widely-used in fields like data science, web development, software engineering, game development, automation and much more.

 How Python became the fastest growing programming language in the world -  YouTube


 Python 's growing popularity among developers around the globe



Step 1: Figure Out What Motivates You to Learn Python

Before you start diving into learning Python online, it’s worth asking yourself why you want to learn it. This is because it’s going to be a long and sometimes painful journey. Without enough motivation, you probably won’t make it through. For example, I slept through high school and college programming classes when I had to memorize syntax and I wasn’t motivated. On the other hand, when I needed to use Python to build a website to automatically score essays, I stayed up nights to finish it.

Figuring out what motivates you will help you figure out an end goal, and a path that gets you there without boredom. You don’t have to figure out an exact project, just a general area you’re interested in as you prepare to learn Python.

Pick an area you’re interested in, such as:

  • Data science / Machine learning
  • Mobile apps
  • Websites
  • Games
  • Data processing and analysis
  • Hardware / Sensors / Robots
  • Scripts to automate your work

Step 2: Learn the Basic Syntax

Unfortunately, this step can’t be skipped. You have to learn the very basics of Python syntax before you ENTER deeper into your chosen area. You want to spend the minimum amount of time on this, as it isn’t very motivating. 

 You can use You-tube, websites, online courses to do so.

I can’t emphasize enough that you should only spend the minimum amount of time possible on basic syntax. The quicker you can get to working on projects, the faster you will learn. You can always refer back to the syntax when you get stuck later. You should ideally only spend a couple of weeks on this phase, and definitely no more than a month.

 factors python growth machine learning

Step 3: Make Structured Projects

Once you’ve learned the basic syntax, it’s possible to start making projects on your own. Projects are a great way to learn, because they let you apply your knowledge. Unless you apply your knowledge, it will be hard to retain it. Projects will push your capabilities, help you learn new things, and help you build a portfolio to show to potential employers.

However, very free form projects at this point will be painful — you’ll get stuck a lot, and need to refer to documentation. Because of this, it’s usually better to make more structured projects until you feel comfortable enough to make projects completely on your own. Many learning resources offer structured projects, and these projects let you build interesting things in the areas you care about while still preventing you from getting stuck.

Step 4: Work on Python Projects on Your Own

Once you’ve completed some structured projects, it’s time to work on projects on your own to continue to learn Python better. You’ll still be consulting resources and learning concepts, but you’ll be working on what you want to work on. Before you dive into working on your own projects, you should feel comfortable debugging errors and problems with your programs. Here are some resources you should be familiar with:

  • Stack Overflow — a community question and answer site where people discuss programming issues. You can find Python-specific questions.
  • Google — the most commonly used tool of every experienced programmer. Very useful when trying to resolve errors. Here’s an example.
  • Python documentation — a good place to find reference material on Python.

Once you have a solid handle on debugging issues, you can start working on your own projects. You should work on things that interest you. For example, I worked on tools to trade stocks automatically very soon after I learned programming.

Common Python Questions:

Is it hard to learn Python?

Learning Python can certainly be challenging, and you're likely to have frustrating moments. Staying motivated to keep learning is one of the biggest challenges.

However, if you take the step-by-step approach I've outlined here, you should find that it's easy to power through frustrating moments, because you'll be working on projects that genuinely interest you.

 Factors that will drive Python growth in 2020

How long does it take to learn Python?

Learning a programming language is a bit like learning a spoken language — you're never really done, because programming languages evolve and there's always more to learn! However, you can get to a point of being able to write simple-but-functional Python code pretty quickly.

How long it takes to get to job-ready depends on your goals, the job you're looking for, and how much time you can dedicate to study.

Do you need a Python certification to find work?

We've written about Python certificates in depth, but the short answer is: probably not. Different companies and industries have different standards, but in data science, certificates don't carry much weight. Employers care about the skills you have — being able to show them a GitHub full of great Python code is much more important than being able to show them a certificate.

Should you learn Python 2 or 3?

We've written about Python 2 or Python 3 as well, but the short answer is this: learn Python 3. A few years ago, this was still a topic of debate, and some extreme predictions even claimed that Python 3 would "kill Python." That hasn't happened, and today, Python 3 is everywhere.

Is Python a good language to learn in 2020?

Yes. Python is a popular and flexible language that's used professionally in a wide variety of contexts. We teach Python for data science and machine learning, for example, but if you wanted to apply your Python skills in another area, Python is used in finance, web development, software engineering, game development, etc.

Moreover, Python data skills can be really useful even if you have no aspiration to become a full-time data scientist or programming. Having some data analysis skills with Python can be useful for a wide variety of jobs — if you work with spreadsheets, chances are there are things you could be doing faster and better with a little Python. 



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